41.   Arafat says he will not resume talks unless Israel abandons plans to build the settlements.

42.   Badwan told The Associated Press in Damascus that Palestinian leader Arafat should not amend the charter while Israel is building settlements on Palestinian.

43.   Barak limited himself to a promise not to build new settlements and not to dismantle existing ones.

44.   Bush did renew a call for Israel to withdraw its troops and tanks from Palestinian areas and to stop building settlements there.

45.   But Mubarak said that such a meeting would require that Netanyahu stop building settlements on Arab land.

46.   Critics of government policy have said the promise not to build new settlements is misleading.

47.   Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer declared that he would not allow new settlements to be built.

48.   Despite a flurry of Israeli-Palestinian meetings, a senior Palestinian official said Wednesday that efforts will be in vain unless Israel stops building Jewish settlements.

49.   For all those who wish to leave the regions, a new settlement will be built with the help of international community, the declaration said.

50.   Fogel said Israel only confiscates private land in the territories for roads, schools and other public works, and settlements are not built on confiscated land.

v. + settlement >>共 503
reach 19.60%
negotiate 8.69%
expand 4.33%
approve 4.06%
build 2.39%
announce 2.37%
accept 1.92%
seek 1.64%
reject 1.49%
dismantle 1.47%
build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
plant 2.64%
home 2.24%
support 1.45%
bridge 1.41%
stadium 1.41%
case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
settlement 0.56%
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