41.   The new budget included a variety of indirect taxes on gasoline, liquor, cigarettes and a diminution of tax benefits on mortgages and private health plans.

42.   The new budget also includes a new program to improve military housing bases, another in a string of projects to make military life more attractive.

43.   The public-sector budget includes revenue from state-owned companies such as oil company Ecopetrol.

44.   The proposed budget includes the jusen expenditure.

45.   The state budget includes a broad array of pork barrel spending, ranging from sports stadiums to road programs to funding for local community groups.

46.   The supplementary budget will also include allocations for rebuilding earthquake-ravaged Kobe.

47.   The two are inextricably linked, as the budget includes many important provisions for financing health care.

48.   The total budget includes federal money that must be spent as Congress dictates and fees earmarked for certain projects, like road work.

49.   --The U.N. budget cannot include any growth in spending, even allowing for inflation.

50.   The White House budget does not include deficit projections that far into the future.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
budget 0.19%
budget + v. >>共 401
be 28.70%
include 3.88%
have 3.00%
go 2.08%
cut 1.62%
contain 1.57%
shrink 1.52%
add 1.52%
allow 1.52%
pass 1.29%
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