41.   A lawyer for Mark Galanty, the man with AIDS, said the ruling has broad implications.

42.   The case could have broad implications for California smokers who claim they have been injured by tobacco use.

43.   The research at Super-Kamiokande certainly has some very broad implications and marks a major breakthrough in a very, very difficult game of quantum hide-and-seek.

44.   The ruling could have broad implications for several states with similar laws.

45.   U.S. District Court Judge William Alsup was expected to rule within weeks, lawyers said, and the ruling could have broad implications for several states with similar laws.

a. + implication >>共 352
political 8.48%
important 4.12%
serious 3.77%
far-reaching 3.33%
profound 3.14%
financial 2.89%
legal 2.70%
major 2.60%
national 2.25%
broad 2.21%
broad + n. >>共 1189
range 6.21%
support 5.71%
market 3.94%
daylight 2.58%
power 2.54%
outline 2.27%
agreement 1.94%
smile 1.67%
spectrum 1.54%
coalition 1.49%
implication 0.54%
每页显示:    共 45