41.   Piazza tripped while rounding first base and put his left hand down to break his fall.

42.   A six-foot tree helped break her fall.

43.   Ambulance workers said a tree appeared to have broken her fall.

44.   Government intervention to boost the economy by propping up the dollar could do nothing to break the fall.

45.   He slipped and injured his right wrist trying to break the fall, and played only one round since.

46.   He lay flat on the ice after breaking his fall with his right arm while coach Richard Callaghan and a doctor tended to him.

47.   His fall was broken by a section of the second floor that held.

48.   On his way down, he plunged through three clotheslines stretched between apartment buildings, which partially broke his fall.

49.   She broke her fall with her knees, but her chest and head still slammed into a solid mat that is beyond the softer landing area.

50.   Their falls are broken by a cushion of outstretched arms below.

v. + fall >>共 321
follow 10.60%
take 8.45%
attribute 4.66%
break 4.01%
see 3.65%
cause 2.87%
survive 2.29%
lead 2.22%
cushion 2.15%
trigger 1.93%
break + n. >>共 537
law 7.95%
rule 4.12%
deadlock 3.95%
ground 3.59%
record 3.58%
window 3.38%
leg 3.01%
rank 2.55%
tie 2.40%
bone 2.17%
fall 0.40%
每页显示:    共 56