41.   Greenspan raised interest rates last month to cool down the US economy and make it more expensive for businesses and consumers to borrow money.

42.   Stephen had always made it one of his goals to stay out of debt and never borrow money.

43.   But we also set up a corporation, borrowed money, purchased a run-down house and practiced self-reliance by renovating it.

44.   In support of this belief, he borrowed money from everybody who was good for a loan --- men, women, friends, or strangers.

45.   He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.

46.   He has never borrowed money from me.

47.   If it is proposed to borrow the money for the investment, the DCF yield is the highest interest rate the company can pay without making an overall loss.

48.   It borrows money from a vast number of small savers, who are able to withdraw their money on demand or at short notice.

49.   To meet this deficit the government has to borrow money.

v. + money >>共 344
raise 9.53%
make 7.69%
spend 5.71%
use 5.44%
save 4.21%
lose 4.16%
have 4.14%
put 2.53%
take 2.47%
borrow 2.25%
borrow + n. >>共 460
money 43.63%
cost 3.95%
fund 3.04%
share 2.77%
idea 1.63%
car 1.60%
stock 1.44%
page 1.29%
book 1.10%
rate 0.99%
每页显示:    共 1141