41.   Independent inspection agents who monitor the flow of relief aid into Iraq for the United Nations also returned to three of four border points Monday, Eckhard said.

42.   Industrial zones have been established at several border points.

43.   It was not immediately clear why the peacekeepers were to take up positions at only four border points.

44.   Jordan and the Palestinians have complained that Israel has hindered trade between them by delays and bureaucratic procedures it imposes on border points under its control.

45.   Jordanian and Palestinian businessmen have long complained that Israeli bureaucratic procedures at border points linking Jordan with the West Bank hampered their trade.

46.   Meanwhile, Greenpeace activists set up checkpoints at German border points with France and distributed leaflets and anti-nuclear test postcards to vacationing motorists waiting to cross.

47.   Most commonly, private arms merchants continue to take advantage of loose restrictions on arms transfers, poor controls at border points and corrupt officials.

48.   Nisha and Geeta watch every woman who crosses out of Nepal at the Kakarvitta border point, trying to spot those destined to be sold into brothels in India.

49.   NATO-led peacekeepers in Kosovo have already tightened controls of border points to prevent militants from using the province as a base for launching attacks into southern Serbia.

50.   On Wednesday, Tanzania joined Kenya in introducing medical screening at its border points with Uganda.

n. + point >>共 1088
transit 6.54%
collection 4.22%
entry 3.88%
bonus 3.48%
reference 2.39%
check 1.97%
border 1.95%
weapon 1.76%
season 1.74%
transshipment 1.62%
border + n. >>共 311
guard 11.55%
crossing 8.17%
area 7.12%
post 4.82%
region 4.27%
control 3.93%
police 3.58%
dispute 3.55%
town 3.54%
enclave 2.51%
point 0.98%
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