41.   His body showed signs of torture and strangulation.

42.   It said her body showed more than a dozen injuries.

43.   It said his body showed signs of torture.

44.   It cited Tibetan sources as saying her body showed signs of anemia and internal injuries when it was prepared for traditional Tibetan sky burial.

45.   Neither body showed signs of violence and both appeared to have died about a week ago, police said.

46.   Orekhovich ruled out any drug use by the girls before their deaths, and said their bodies showed no unusual markings other than injuries suffered from the fall.

47.   Police said Salort was bleeding from the nose and mouth and the house appeared ransacked, but the body showed no other signs of a struggle.

48.   Reports have said the body showed signs of torture.

49.   She had not been eating much and her body was showing signs of breaking down in recent months, her father said.

50.   Some bodies showed evidence of a violent struggle, investigators said.

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body 0.19%
body + v. >>共 960
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turn 0.88%
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