41.   Some of those troops will just trade their blue berets for national uniforms and become part of the NATO force.

a. + beret >>共 51
black 29.63%
red 19.63%
blue 15.19%
green 4.07%
military 2.22%
maroon 1.85%
new 1.85%
purple 1.85%
tan 1.85%
bright 1.48%
blue + n. >>共 1344
eye 7.88%
line 7.57%
sky 7.34%
suit 3.29%
shirt 2.54%
light 2.05%
uniform 1.65%
helmet 1.47%
blazer 1.40%
water 1.21%
beret 0.55%
每页显示:    共 41