41.   They donated money to the Red Cross, but were turned away as blood donors or volunteers because those needs had quickly been met.

42.   They have deployed mobile aid units, raised money and dispatched chaplains, counselors, cooks and blood donors.

43.   Until now, the only form of prevention was from varicella-zoster immune globulin that is prepared from blood donors with high amounts of antibody to the virus.

44.   Wentz said many pet hospitals keep cats on hand as blood donors.

45.   A significant drop in blood donors was also recorded during the Christmas and New Year holidays, he said.

46.   Also testifying were two doctors who said their warnings about the level of contamination among Parisian blood donors were ignored.

47.   Ambulances cruised the streets to plead over loudspeakers for volunteers blood donors.

48.   Ambulances rushed to the scene to ferry the victims to hospitals, and the state radio broadcast an appeal for blood donors to report to blood centers.

49.   Area hospitals issued a call for blood donors.

50.   Area hospitals issued an urgent call for blood donors.

n. + donor >>共 103
aid 21.29%
blood 15.93%
organ 14.85%
campaign 7.96%
egg 5.67%
sperm 4.13%
kidney 1.84%
marrow 1.68%
bone-marrow 1.38%
minority 1.23%
blood + n. >>共 466
flow 13.98%
sample 11.94%
supply 7.05%
product 5.98%
level 3.42%
donation 3.08%
loss 2.52%
donor 2.52%
disorder 2.06%
stain 2.01%
每页显示:    共 103