41.   On Wednesday, much of Belgrade came to a halt when thousands of students marched in protest, blocking traffic.

42.   Others are angry with city officials for blocking traffic on certain streets, which they say diverted business away from them.

43.   Police already had begun blocking traffic on peripheral streets leading to the square.

44.   Police also arrested hundreds of protesters after they blocked traffic and held dozens of loosely coordinated demonstrations.

45.   Parking was prohibited on both sides of the street, and by nightfall barricades had been put up to block traffic.

46.   Protest leaders had pledged to sit down in the middle of California Street and to block traffic if the vote did not go their way.

47.   Protesters clashed with police, blocked traffic and forced the government to lower gasoline prices and back down on other economic austerity measures.

48.   Safeway also asked the court to enjoin strikers from harassing store employees, vandalizing delivery trucks, blocking traffic and using bullhorns.

49.   Short of putting a fence around the perimeter, a measure some security experts suggested in the past, it would be impossible to block foot traffic.

50.   So many of these messages were sent that they overwhelmed the sites, blocking legitimate traffic.

v. + traffic >>共 443
block 11.44%
disrupt 6.13%
stop 4.84%
snarl 4.50%
direct 4.30%
halt 4.20%
divert 2.74%
reduce 1.88%
slow 1.78%
bring 1.78%
block + n. >>共 847
road 7.22%
shot 3.86%
access 3.34%
traffic 3.28%
effort 1.93%
street 1.70%
attempt 1.52%
highway 1.37%
entrance 1.28%
path 1.18%
每页显示:    共 460