41.   That was because it had not only clean coal to sell to big users such as India, but clean coal technology.

42.   Microsoft also signed up big users such as MCI to use its browser, a sign of its marketing muscle.

a. + user >>共 605
new 7.18%
home 6.31%
individual 2.86%
industrial 2.41%
heavy 2.13%
corporate 1.92%
commercial 1.64%
potential 1.57%
average 1.57%
big 1.46%
big + n. >>共 1140
company 2.24%
city 2.08%
play 2.02%
difference 1.40%
man 1.37%
part 1.27%
problem 1.26%
one 1.22%
question 1.16%
hit 1.03%
user 0.07%
每页显示:    共 42