41.   Still, what the hell business was it of mine?

42.   A module header provides information to LIFESPAN and to LIFESPAN users about the module of which it is part.

43.   There were six middle third strictures of which four were malignant and two had positive cytology.

44.   Four EcoRI restriction fragments were observed among the genotypes, of which two were polymorphic by Southern analysis for PGC.

45.   Total surplus is now equal to AREG, of which ARPe is consumer surplus and PeREG is producer surplus.

46.   Also, Edmund may already have been suffering from the illness, or possibly wound, of which he was soon to die.

47.   Of relevance may be the tradition recorded by Ammianus Marcellinus, that the Burgundians were brothers of the Romans.

48.   Also this is the point at which RE really comes radically alive, where it shows the excitement and challenge of which it is capable.

49.   The Town Council, of which you are very aware, in a very detailed submission written by the Town Clerk, recommended refusal.

50.   The process involved is known as diapirism, and diapirs rise because the hot rock of which they are composed is less dense than the cooler surrounding country rock.

v. + of >>共 1057
die 8.10%
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lifting 1.82%
signing 1.78%
compose 1.33%
say 0.97%
part 0.91%
be 0.86%
be + p. >>共 83
in 38.86%
for 12.65%
on 9.80%
at 8.82%
with 3.64%
by 3.25%
among 2.97%
to 2.73%
of 1.92%
during 1.36%
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