41.   Dykema said accurate figures will not be available until well into January, when companies finish adding up sales and subtracting returned merchandise.

42.   Final figures will not be available until the end of this month, a Samsung spokesman said.

43.   Final numbers will not be available until February, the company said.

44.   Final numbers will not be available until March.

45.   Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan and Vice Chairman Alan S. Blinder indicated that they wanted to see economic data that would not be available until January.

46.   Final figures will not be available until the end of this month, a company spokesman said.

47.   For one thing, the tourist organization says, tickets to most Japanese events are not available until a month before performances.

48.   First, the final score on the Keys is not yet in, because spending data will not be fully available until after the election.

49.   Fuel cells, a new technology for achieving zero emissions, are not expected to be widely available until the second half of the decade.

50.   Full service nationwide will not be available until November.

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become 1.66%
make 0.55%
be + available + p. >>共 49
for 33.93%
to 13.55%
in 13.44%
on 9.78%
at 8.39%
from 7.51%
through 2.30%
by 1.67%
as 1.47%
until 1.32%
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