41.   The idea of setting an alarm on a weekend seems to violate a basic tenet of human decency.

42.   The Internet has called into question whether basic tenets of copyright law might be shaken by the ease with which works can be distributed over the Internet.

43.   The National Restaurant Association has taken issue with that most basic tenet of American commerce.

44.   The league is relying on the basic tenets of labor law, which hold that employees not be paid during strikes or lockouts.

45.   The money would not be available to countries deemed corrupt, or where governments refused to comport with basic tenets of human rights and market reforms.

46.   They contend that transferring power and authority from an elected board of education to an appointed board violates a basic tenet of democracy.

47.   Tito was a dogmatic autocrat who never considered abandoning either the basic tenets of Marxist-Leninist ideology or the one-party system of government based on it.

48.   Those close to Cellucci say that he will hew to the basic tenets of Weldism, especially the no-new-taxes stance.

49.   Those who make sweeping boasts in its name prove nothing more than their ignorance of this most basic tenet.

50.   When closely scrutinized, the sample menu speaks volumes about Chez Panisse and its basic tenets.

a. + tenet >>共 91
basic 22.73%
central 15.03%
fundamental 7.34%
key 4.55%
religious 4.55%
main 2.10%
islamic 1.75%
cardinal 1.40%
major 1.40%
important 1.40%
basic + n. >>共 771
service 2.97%
principle 2.42%
right 1.99%
skill 1.96%
need 1.81%
commodity 1.72%
information 1.67%
research 1.60%
question 1.56%
food 1.47%
tenet 0.58%
每页显示:    共 65