41.   Washington has indicated that it is prepared to back the initiative within the framework of a Security Council resolution.

42.   It also backed an initiative by EU and UN mediators Lord Owen and Thorvald Stoltenberg to take representatives of the warring parties to Geneva for talks, he added.

43.   Russia has said it will back the initiative while stressing the importance of persuading Baghdad to allow the resumption of UN arms inspections.

44.   The initiative has been backed by the United States.

45.   The motion is expected to be passed, as Arab countries have backed the initiative, the official said.

46.   The leaders also expressed concern at the situation in Burundi and strongly backed peace initiatives for the troubled east African state.

47.   The Kurdish source said that it was necessary for Baghdad to back its initiative with contacts with the two parties.

v. + initiative >>共 396
take 15.47%
seize 4.41%
support 4.09%
announce 3.44%
launch 3.39%
welcome 2.28%
back 2.18%
oppose 2.14%
discuss 1.72%
approve 1.72%
back + n. >>共 1281
rebel 3.88%
plan 2.87%
proposal 2.23%
idea 2.10%
claim 2.09%
effort 1.75%
bill 1.72%
call 1.62%
candidate 1.59%
government 1.53%
initiative 0.69%
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