41.   The aim is to draw up a fresh aid distribution plan to take advantage of extra revenues that will be available under the expanded program.

42.   Termination of pregnancies was made available under the National Health Services.

43.   THE MCA may double the number of websites available under its electronic commerce promotion programme - which is aimed at promoting the activities of manufacturers and traders within Malaysia.

44.   The law gives gay couples all the rights and benefits available under Vermont law to married couples.

45.   The new fish markets will accept only Cuban pesos and prices will be higher than that of fish available under the government rationing program.

46.   The sentence matches what was sought by Prosecutor Marc Gaubert, the maximum sentence available under French law.

47.   Under the present regulations, the vaccine is only available under prescription from hospitals.

48.   U.S. Attorney Sharon Zealey said prosecutors will argue for the stiffest term available under sentencing guidelines.

49.   Future Olympic bidders can be fairly certain the amount is less than available under the current system.

50.   His works are now banned in Vietnam but are available under the counter and press reports have started to mention his possible return to show business.

a. + under >>共 792
illegal 6.75%
required 4.34%
possible 2.49%
available 2.29%
impossible 2.29%
legal 1.93%
better 1.33%
cool 1.33%
born 1.29%
hot 1.16%
available + p. >>共 59
for 42.57%
in 15.75%
on 10.54%
at 8.56%
from 7.15%
through 2.68%
by 2.09%
as 1.65%
with 1.22%
about 1.14%
under 0.30%
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