41.   Egypt, which has hosted the PLO-Israeli autonomy talks, will be the first Arab country to open such offices in the autonomous areas.

42.   Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak met PLO chief Yasser Arafat in the northern coastal city of Alexandria on Thursday to discuss Israeli-Palestinian autonomy talks.

43.   Egypt is also concerned at the slow pace of Israeli-PLO autonomy talks.

44.   Egypt has hosted autonomy talks between Israeli and Palestinian officials and Mubarak has played a key role in promoting regional peace.

45.   Egypt stepped in Tuesday to try to break a deadlock between Israeli and PLO negotiators at autonomy talks here.

46.   Earlier Abbas Zaki, a member of the Fatah central committee, suggested the new PLO strategy could affect the composition of the Palestinian team at the autonomy talks.

47.   Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned Friday that a new wave of violence could erupt if Israel and the PLO failed to break the deadlock in their autonomy talks.

48.   Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will meet Yasser Arafat on Thursday amid autonomy talks between the PLO head and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, the Egyptian foreign minister said.

49.   Erakat said the Palestinians informed Israeli negotiators of their suggestion during West Bank autonomy talks that took place earlier Wednesday in Erez.

50.   The MNLF is now engaged in autonomy talks with the government.

n. + talk >>共 398
peace 53.86%
trade 5.03%
contract 2.48%
merger 2.45%
budget 1.95%
settlement 1.73%
security 1.00%
truce 0.94%
membership 0.87%
status 0.81%
autonomy 0.47%
autonomy + n. >>共 76
accord 27.43%
agreement 19.53%
deal 9.73%
council 7.70%
talk 5.74%
negotiation 4.93%
government 2.57%
proposal 2.57%
election 2.30%
plan 2.09%
每页显示:    共 85