41.   He escorted star players to their cars to shield them from autograph seekers.

42.   He had a woman in a cocktail dress sitting on his lap, autograph seekers all around and he was hollering for another round.

43.   He got a prolonged standing ovation on the way to the podium, and he was mobbed by autograph seekers on the way out.

44.   He drew the wrath of fans after complaining about demands on his time and getting into a shouting match with one autograph seeker near his souvenir stand.

45.   He has noticed, too, that he is as visible a target as his players for autograph seekers.

46.   He wearies just thinking about the endless line of autograph seekers.

47.   Hege, who draws autograph seekers wherever he goes, said people are fascinated by crime.

48.   Hughes is a star, a personality, a man hounded by autograph seekers.

49.   In Phoenix, Jennifer Gillom, who leads her team and is fourth in the league in scoring, is often stopped by autograph seekers in her home market.

50.   In one incident, he chased autograph seekers with a baseball bat.

a. + seeker >>共 51
autograph 59.78%
spiritual 7.82%
home 1.12%
gold 1.12%
great 1.12%
latest 1.12%
fun 1.12%
sincere 1.12%
new_age 1.12%
record 1.12%
autograph + n. >>共 62
seeker 32.82%
session 15.34%
hound 7.36%
request 7.06%
hunter 6.44%
dealer 2.45%
show 2.15%
signings 2.15%
collection 1.23%
collector 1.23%
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