41.   Tiny girls and their boy escorts weave through the waltz and when they end in tribute to the Prince on his birthday, the audience applauds rightly.

42.   When his sympathetic audience applauded his remarks, the president responded with sentiments that are too often overlooked in modern politics.

43.   When the army general confessed last month that he had given the order to fire on demonstrators at Bisho, he said he was sorry and the audience applauded.

44.   During a recent screening, an Irvine audience applauded before the movie started, cried during the film and cheered when it was over.

45.   Mrs. Clinton seemed touched by his tribute, and they embraced for several minutes on the stage while the audience applauded.

46.   Still, even if theatergoers are drawn by the familiar Scrooge saga, Mortimer hopes audiences will applaud the message.

47.   The audience applauded.

48.   The audience applauded his answer.

49.   The audience applauded for two minutes.

50.   The audience applauded and whistled in support, according to a news item shown Monday on SABC-TV.

n. + applaud >>共 248
crowd 9.62%
analyst 7.85%
audience 6.42%
investor 4.65%
people 3.32%
group 3.21%
official 2.88%
fan 2.32%
leader 1.99%
activist 1.77%
audience + v. >>共 578
be 20.40%
have 3.24%
see 2.99%
respond 2.07%
want 2.00%
get 1.95%
laugh 1.85%
know 1.80%
seem 1.78%
cheer 1.53%
applaud 1.41%
每页显示:    共 58