41.   Defense attorneys have filed a complaint urging that the investigation be dropped, even though it has no time limit.

42.   Federal and state government attorneys filed a lawsuit against a chemical company over an acid spill in the Alafia River more than three years ago.

43.   Government attorneys filed their expediting request late today.

44.   His attorneys filed an appeal on his conviction Monday.

45.   His attorneys Monday filed an appeal on his conviction Monday.

46.   His attorneys on Monday filed an appeal on his conviction.

47.   Pastrana said an injury kept him from getting to the Miami weigh-in, and his attorneys have filed suit against the IBF for its action.

48.   The attorney representing Knoller filed court papers questioning the validity of the manslaughter and murder charges.

49.   The documents were part of a petition filed by attorneys for families of two of the crash victims.

50.   The lawsuit, filed by attorney Brian Sun, is pending in Washington, D.C.

n. + file >>共 753
company 8.24%
prosecutor 3.65%
group 3.54%
lawyer 3.43%
government 2.80%
police 1.90%
union 1.79%
family 1.40%
state 1.38%
woman 1.36%
attorney 1.25%
attorney + v. >>共 492
say 25.60%
be 5.31%
argue 4.77%
ask 2.02%
have 1.74%
decline 1.74%
contend 1.71%
file 1.63%
represent 1.57%
tell 1.52%
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