41.   Analysts attributed the moves to indecision among investors about the outlook for profits and interest rates.

42.   Analysts attributed the plunge in part to fears that the budget impasse would cause the Federal Reserve to put off an expected cut in interest rates.

43.   Analysts attributed the rise to expectations that the economy will slow down.

44.   Analysts attributed the sales improvement partly to discounts offered buyers.

45.   Analysts attributed the slump in Sierra On-Line to declines in Microsoft and Intel Corp., which often set the pace for other high-technology companies.

46.   Analysts attributed the stock price decrease to some confusion by investors about why a lower share count was reported.

47.   Analysts attributed the wider shortfall to the weaker economy, which has depressed tax receipts this year.

48.   Analysts attribute most of that growth to remote regions that have no cable alternative.

49.   Analysts attribute the big increase to strong consumer spending, improving overseas economies and weak comparable figures from last year.

50.   Analysts attribute the higher prices in Mexico to the cash-strapped government siphoning away profits from the state-run oil company, Pemex.

n. + attribute >>共 358
official 12.65%
company 10.98%
analyst 10.01%
broker 5.36%
expert 3.78%
trader 3.65%
report 2.64%
police 2.64%
dealer 2.11%
economist 1.89%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
attribute 0.62%
每页显示:    共 227