41.   Iraq says it will never allow the inspectors inside.

42.   Iraq says it will never allow the inspectors into the sites.

43.   Iraq told the council that the matter had been resolved, but diplomats said they were unable to confirm that the inspectors were allowed into the site.

44.   On Thursday, Annan defended the agreement, saying it has allowed the inspectors of the U.N. Special Commission, or UNSCOM, to do its work.

45.   Omai Gold Mines Ltd. has also agreed to allow an inspector from the Labor Ministry to be stationed permanently at the site to observe safety practices.

46.   On Wednesday, al-Sahhaf said Iraq was willing to allow new inspectors selected by the U.N. secretary-general to search the eight compounds for two months.

47.   Richardson will press Kabila to allow U.N. inspectors into parts of eastern Zaire where humanitarian officials believe massacres may have taken place.

48.   That crisis was eased under a Russian-brokered deal which allowed American inspectors back into Iraq.

49.   The crisis prompted a U.S. military buildup in the region, but abated Thursday when Russia succeeded in mediating an agreement to allow the inspectors back into Iraq.

50.   The dissidents said an agreement was reached to allow the inspectors into the palace, but a condition of the visit was that the inspection would not be publicized.

v. + inspector >>共 235
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allow + n. >>共 1326
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