41.   There are concerns about letting the opposition alliance take power as it consists mostly of ethnic minorities at odds with the majority Pashtun.

42.   Thousands of alliance troops and policemen are providing security in the streets, and the alliance has taken over important ministries.

43.   This ensured his safety once the alliance took over the city.

44.   When a radical Hindu alliance took power last year in the state of Maharashtra, where Bombay is the capital, many Muslims feared the violence would return.

45.   Working with the anti-Taliban forces risks alienating Pakistan, which supported the Taliban in the past and does not want to see the rebel alliance take power.

46.   It took months of haggling before the former Yilmaz-Ciller alliance took form.

47.   And as the alliance has taken over the leading role in Bosnia, his stature has grown considerably.

48.   As the alliance has taken the leading role in Bosnia, his stature has grown considerably.

49.   Debate between NATO members on enlargement has recently focused on whether the military alliance should take in the two southeastern European countries.

50.   Even as Silajdzic spoke, NATO military planners were meeting in Brussels to examine possible action the alliance could take in the Bihac region.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
company 1.62%
people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
alliance 0.07%
alliance + v. >>共 550
be 13.64%
say 4.91%
have 3.78%
take 1.64%
include 1.64%
want 1.13%
give 1.10%
launch 1.07%
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