41.   Passengers were evacuated and the airport closed.

42.   The airport closed in April, forcing aid convoys to take the notoriously dangerous Mount Igman route into the Bosnian capital.

n. + close >>共 1191
price 11.89%
market 6.40%
stock 6.36%
share 3.02%
police 2.82%
future 2.32%
index 2.22%
authority 2.19%
company 1.75%
official 1.75%
airport 0.43%
airport + v. >>共 304
be 28.80%
have 9.20%
remain 5.49%
reopen 3.49%
open 3.31%
close 2.40%
say 1.66%
operate 1.54%
handle 1.26%
become 1.26%
每页显示:    共 42