41.   Many new airlines are trying to copy its noteworthy feat of setting low fares while maintaining unusually high profit margins.

42.   Merlis said the airlines have been trying to meet with the city to accomplish such a deal.

43.   More airlines are trying to change the traditional configuration of first-class and coach-class seating.

44.   Not everything the airlines try is a hit.

45.   Now, the airlines must try to persuade officials that their alliance will not stifle competition.

46.   Once consumers understand that airlines are trying to hug the demand curve, ticketing becomes more intelligible.

47.   Over the last two years, the airlines have tried to resolve the issue in talks with the IRS and the Treasury Department.

48.   Other airlines tried to keep to their daily schedule.

49.   Propeller aircraft are becoming increasingly popular around the nation as airlines try to cut costs.

50.   Smaller private airlines are trying to restore full service.

n. + try >>共 892
government 5.31%
official 4.29%
company 4.14%
police 3.26%
people 1.95%
authority 1.87%
group 1.56%
investigator 1.56%
team 1.53%
leader 1.35%
airline 0.36%
airline + v. >>共 877
say 10.79%
be 8.60%
have 5.79%
fly 1.91%
offer 1.77%
plan 1.43%
use 1.36%
try 1.32%
make 1.30%
operate 1.26%
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