41.   The agreement calls on both sides to avoid taking steps to change the status of the West Bank, but does not specifically mention settlements.

42.   The agreement calls for border controls and allows the countries to share airline passenger lists.

43.   The agreement calls for creation of a new airline to replace Swissair, wrecked by a failed expansion strategy and the air travel chaos following the U.S. terrorist attacks.

44.   The agreement calls for prisoners associated with paramilitary groups to be released within two years, providing their groups continue to observe cease-fires.

45.   The agreement calls for restoring water and electricity supplies and reopening oil pipelines and the highway linking Zagreb, the Croatian capital, and the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade.

46.   The agreement calls for the exchange of information between the two bodies, expansion of commercial ties and exchange of expertise, the English-language daily said.

47.   The agreement calls for the exchange of information, development of education programs, and a sharing of approaches to dealing with the problem, the report said.

48.   The agreement calls for the North to get two light-water reactors to replace its outdated models, which produce much more weapons-grade plutonium.

49.   The agreement calls for the road to open Saturday to civilian traffic and aid shipments between areas in Sarajevo and central Bosnia controlled by the Muslim-led government.

50.   The agreement calls on France to inform its EU partners of of any plans to change the exchange rate between the euro and the CFA franc.

n. + call >>共 860
wake-up 7.93%
strike 5.95%
distress 4.34%
plan 2.88%
margin 2.56%
line 2.56%
port 2.35%
opposition 2.12%
radio 1.82%
agreement 1.78%
agreement + n. >>共 190
call 20.98%
work 4.09%
came 3.54%
sign 1.63%
negotiation 1.63%
hour 1.36%
broker 1.36%
access 0.82%
day 0.82%
mean 0.82%
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