41.   In reaction to the case, Prouty said, the FBI now has all new agents take polygraph tests and has stepped up its monitoring of current agents.

42.   It was ripe with fire about how players have let agents take over their careers and their lives.

43.   Mueller believed agents would take casts of the water-filled tire ruts.

44.   No federal tax agents took part in the raid, said Lt. Luis Ochoa of the Huntington Beach police.

45.   Now FBI agents must take time away from finding terrorists to investigate obvious hate-crime attacks on Muslims, Arabs and other dark-skinned citizens.

46.   Now a former FBI agent was taking over an agency that in the years after Hoover had been managed, and in some ways mismanaged, by outsiders.

47.   On the ground, FBI agents took turns staking out McVicar Avenue, to the amusement of neighbors.

48.   On the federal front, Madrazo said agents had taken detailed testimony from six survivors.

49.   One agent was taking notes on a clipboard.

50.   On Friday, following reports of the FBI complaints, Saudi officials said the agents had taken part in the interrogation.

n. + take >>共 1201
government 2.42%
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people 1.59%
meeting 1.38%
investor 1.22%
police 1.16%
process 1.02%
official 1.00%
attack 0.80%
team 0.79%
agent 0.16%
agent + v. >>共 1013
be 8.79%
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arrest 2.65%
have 2.26%
find 1.95%
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take 1.37%
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