41.   Temp agencies would send her to a job and she would have things running so smoothly that positions would open for this suddenly indispensable woman.

42.   The agency sends each teacher away with a computer.

43.   The agency sends out a pair of investigators who quickly conclude that nothing is seriously amiss.

44.   The agency sent large trucks containing refrigerators to carry the heat sensitive vaccine to remote villages at the edge of the Sahara.

45.   The agency sent requests for information to Georgia-Pacific, Weyerhaeuser and seven other companies.

46.   The agency then sends the items to them by truck.

47.   The agency also sent an explanation to taxpayers who would not get refunds.

48.   The agency probably will send you a receipt within two days.

49.   The agency sent crews around the financial district late last week wearing small devices that sample air and found no significant signs of asbestos.

50.   The agency will then send a copy of the complaint to the broker, asking for a response.

n. + send >>共 1025
government 4.44%
company 2.80%
official 1.67%
police 1.37%
group 1.35%
authority 1.27%
agency 1.19%
parent 1.19%
people 1.14%
country 1.12%
agency + v. >>共 790
say 19.39%
be 6.25%
have 4.73%
report 1.79%
take 1.26%
give 1.21%
quote 1.09%
try 1.06%
plan 1.00%
make 0.96%
send 0.67%
每页显示:    共 126