41.   Provincial assemblies decide on local matters like housing and roads, and are consulted in national infrastructure plans which affect their region.

42.   Rain bands associated with Erika will continue to affect the region this afternoon.

43.   Severino added that Asean as a grouping should develop a collective voice in dealing with the financial crisis affecting the region as it has both global and regional dimensions.

44.   Songsan Udomsilp, chairwoman of Amnesty International, Thailand, said the economic and financial crisis affecting the region should not dilute human-rights concerns.

45.   South African President Nelson Mandela said Wednesday that Brazil could be of great help to Africa in resolving hunger and conflict affecting the region.

46.   The Cochabamba region was particularly affected by the eradication of coca plantations.

47.   The floods have mainly affected rural regions.

48.   The French presence continues to be strongly felt here despite the economic turmoil affecting the region.

49.   The group also agreed to establish and implement a regional economic surveillance mechanism soon to prevent a monetary crisis similar to the one currently affecting the region.

50.   The Jakarta meeting is another show of solidarity by countries in the region which are working together to solve problems affecting the region.

v. + region >>共 622
visit 8.10%
leave 4.85%
hit 3.58%
tour 3.05%
destabilize 2.51%
flee 2.31%
dominate 2.12%
affect 1.95%
plague 1.86%
control 1.83%
affect + n. >>共 1018
people 2.31%
price 1.59%
outcome 1.53%
market 1.42%
life 1.35%
business 1.30%
area 1.20%
performance 1.19%
sale 1.02%
ability 1.01%
region 0.59%
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