41.   It said the police released him on Sunday following the intervention of the Indian external affairs ministry.

42.   Khokhar has been reprimanded by the Indian external affairs ministry for his comments, but the Indian protest has been rejected by Pakistan as unacceptable.

43.   Last month, the home affairs ministry issued a statement urging all local governments to cut down on such expenses.

44.   Meanwhile, the external affairs ministry here announced Tuesday that Malawi had established diplomatic ties with Kuwait with immediate effect.

45.   Most of the illegal immigrants in South Africa are from Mozambique, according to figures released by the home affairs ministry in parliament earlier this year.

46.   Pakistan sent a protest letter to the Indian external affairs ministry over the incident.

47.   Principal victim will be the labour and social affairs ministry, suffering an amputation of one billion marks.

48.   Reports have surfaced recently that the social affairs ministry had exceeded its budget and that housing allowances had been more than planned.

49.   Regional Administrator Ernest Nyanda takes over the powerful home affairs ministry from Augustine Mrema, who becomes minister in charge of labour and youth development.

50.   The Belgian economic affairs ministry declines to provide any direct publicity for the electronic purse.

n. + ministry >>共 174
defence 15.58%
defense 14.24%
finance 13.04%
health 7.49%
justice 7.04%
government 6.33%
transport 2.60%
education 2.58%
agriculture 2.49%
information 2.27%
affair 1.42%
affair + n. >>共 131
minister 20.92%
ministry 7.16%
department 5.15%
committee 4.47%
office 3.91%
program 3.24%
officer 3.24%
spokesman 3.13%
director 3.13%
official 2.80%
每页显示:    共 64