41.   After the opening, the trial was adjourned to a later date, Anatolia said.

42.   After two brief recesses, the judge adjourned the trial without ruling on the request.

43.   Afterward he adjourned the trial until September.

44.   Before adjourning the trial to Friday, Judge Quistelli rejected requests by prosecutors and lawyers for relatives that a bigger courtroom be found to hold the public.

45.   Chief Judge Djazuli P. Soedibyo adjourned the trial until Monday, when prosecutors will present their response.

46.   Earlier, the trial was adjourned for two months on similar grounds.

47.   Fourteen judges assigned to the case adjourned the trial until Friday, after the plaintiffs were called three times but did not enter the courtrooms.

48.   Guterres was not required to enter a plea and the trial was adjourned until next week.

49.   He adjourned the trial until Tuesday, when the jury will hear closing arguments.

50.   He then adjourned the trial until Tuesday, when the jury will hear closing arguments.

v. + trial >>共 512
await 15.31%
stand 13.93%
face 10.62%
hold 4.92%
attend 3.49%
conduct 3.07%
adjourn 2.26%
move 2.06%
pend 1.94%
delay 1.85%
adjourn + n. >>共 48
trial 22.92%
hearing 16.97%
case 16.74%
meeting 6.85%
session 4.83%
proceeding 4.16%
court 4.04%
talk 3.82%
parliament 3.60%
house 3.37%
每页显示:    共 203