41.   Small groups of advanced troops have already entered Kunduz, according to press reports.

42.   The car had been rented in Edmund, Okla., and never returned, according to press accounts.

43.   The Defense Minister and Interior Minister are two positions likely for change, according to press reports.

44.   The Egyptian government has found no wrongdoing by police, according to press reports.

45.   The French government, according to press reports, will only agree to the pact if a protocol is attached stressing the need to boost employment.

46.   The job of rounding up and arresting the demonstrators will fall to U.S. Marshals, FBI agents and possibly other federal law enforcement officers, according to press reports.

47.   The strategic partnership between the two companies will cover both telecommunications and software, concentrating on outsourcing and multimedia services, according to press reports.

48.   The Swiss insurer has been looking to part with its BBL stake since it agreed to be acquired by Credit Suisse Group, according to press reports.

49.   There were shouts of protest, but most people, according to press reports, applauded vigorously.

50.   They broke up the meeting, according to press accounts, screaming that the president was a liar and demanding his resignation.

v. + press >>共 64
accord 57.73%
call 4.42%
use 3.79%
be 2.84%
respond 2.21%
become 2.21%
demonstrate 1.26%
according 0.95%
ignore 0.95%
impose 0.95%
accord + v. >>共 228
press 20.31%
police 12.54%
plan 10.54%
state 3.11%
people 3.00%
witness 2.00%
coach 1.89%
form 1.66%
interfax 1.33%
rescue 1.22%
每页显示:    共 182