31.   Larger numbers of young cattle have been placed in feedlots for fattening since January because of falling feed costs.

32.   Many traders expected higher prices in the months ahead as supplies of young cattle fell.

33.   Now, some buyers are concerned about the potential for a lack of young cattle.

34.   Rain is hard on young cattle and lambs, who are subject to a variety of intestinal diseases that spread more quickly in muddy conditions.

35.   Supplies of cattle should build in the coming months as young cattle recently placed on feed reach market weight.

36.   The lower cost of livestock feed boosts the profits of feedlot operators, increasing demand for the young cattle they fatten to market weight for slaughter and boosting prices.

37.   The USDA after trading Friday is expected to report an increase in the number of young cattle newly placed in feedlots for fattening.

38.   With a smaller decline in the number of young cattle sent to feedlots, the beef supply could be larger than expected when cattle are slaughtered later this year.

39.   While there was a rise in the number of young cattle placed in feedlots, the first increase this year, it was smaller than expected.

40.   Britain agreed to slaughter young cattle deemed most at risk of mad cow disease.

a. + cattle >>共 348
british 7.52%
infected 4.98%
young 4.47%
live 4.17%
grazing 2.95%
older 2.24%
dead 1.93%
american 1.52%
feeding 1.42%
stray 1.32%
young + n. >>共 614
man 15.52%
people 11.79%
woman 9.81%
child 5.52%
girl 3.06%
player 2.92%
boy 2.23%
adult 1.20%
son 1.19%
couple 1.14%
cattle 0.10%
每页显示:    共 44