31.   Intransigence by both sides led U.N. Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali to suggest for the first time Wednesday that U.N. peacekeepers might be withdrawn.

32.   Klein asked the council to allow him to rule the area until October, when U.N. peacekeepers would be withdrawn.

33.   Klein had asked the council to allow him to rule the area until October, when U.N. peacekeepers would be withdrawn.

34.   NATO nations, however, have recently agreed to draw up plans to help withdraw U.N. peacekeepers if the Security Council decides their mission has failed.

35.   On Sunday, the United Nations proceeded with plans to withdraw peacekeepers from Gorazde.

36.   On Friday, French President Jacques Chirac told the United Nations he would withdraw French peacekeepers from Bosnia if they were not better protected.

37.   On the Bosnian front, Britain and France have threatened to withdraw their peacekeepers if fighting increases.

38.   On Thursday, Clinton offered to send ground forces to the battered country to help mount, if necessary, a NATO operation to withdraw United Nations peacekeepers.

39.   On Wednesday, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization gave its military experts two days to come up with detailed plans to withdraw all peacekeepers from Bosnia.

40.   Russia might also withdraw its peacekeepers from Bosnia, where they have served alongside NATO forces, Sergeyev said.

v. + peacekeeper >>共 266
kill 7.70%
send 6.03%
withdraw 4.81%
wound 4.81%
protect 4.02%
deploy 3.97%
injure 3.68%
attack 2.06%
accuse 1.81%
evacuate 1.62%
withdraw + n. >>共 651
troop 14.59%
support 6.91%
money 5.53%
force 5.05%
offer 2.56%
ambassador 2.15%
name 2.09%
application 1.61%
candidacy 1.59%
peacekeeper 1.47%
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