31.   I pray every day for their well being.

32.   I think we are moving towards a period with a greater degree of humanism and greater concern for the well being of individuals.

33.   Anwar, who is also finance minister, said the budget was aimed at strengthening the foundation of the economy and ensuring the well being of Malaysians.

34.   Some would insist that man is primarily an economic animal interested only in his material well being.

35.   The choice is extremely clear -- either a return to revolution and trouble, or forward to stability and well being.

36.   The Malaysian government reiterated its deep concern for the safety and well being of its ambassador and its determination to exert its utmost efforts to secure his early release.

a. + being >>共 397
well 4.47%
living 3.35%
first 2.48%
whole 2.23%
alien 1.74%
supernatural 1.61%
very 1.61%
divine 1.49%
intelligent 1.49%
latter 1.36%
well + n. >>共 325
water 11.96%
being 5.19%
wisher 3.89%
erm 3.46%
site 1.73%
wish 1.59%
one 1.44%
student 1.30%
people 1.01%
man 1.01%
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