31.   It has turned a blind eye to Croatia buying arms and allowing weapon shipments across its territory to Bosnia in violation of a U.N. arms embargo.

32.   Libya is under an international arms embargo and any weapons shipment for this Arab country would present a serious violation of the United Nations resolution.

33.   Nine witnesses, including police, military and customs officials, testified that Ranariddh attempted to bring in a weapons shipment last year.

34.   No further details on the weapons shipment from the former Soviet Central Asian republic were immediately available.

35.   North Korea has denied it made a massive weapons shipment through Hong Kong early this month, saying the confiscated items were really tools and machine parts.

36.   Relations between Zambia and neighboring Angola have been strained over allegations Zambia allowed illegal weapon shipments to pass through its territory to Angolan rebels.

37.   Relations between Zambia and neighboring Angola have been strained over allegations Zambia let illegal weapon shipments pass through its territory to Angolan rebels.

38.   Secretary of State Colin Powell telephoned Arafat, meanwhle, to demand a full explanation of a weapons shipment that Israel intercepted in the Red Sea.

39.   Sharon said the Palestinian leader was behind the weapons shipment.

40.   The confiscated weapons shipment was organized by a radical Palestinian group headed by Ahmed Jibril, a bitter enemy of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

n. + shipment >>共 212
arm 12.18%
aid 10.75%
drug 7.48%
food 6.20%
oil 5.91%
weapon 4.34%
fuel 3.06%
cocaine 2.71%
air 2.49%
cargo 2.14%
weapon + n. >>共 502
inspector 17.62%
program 8.66%
inspection 5.70%
fire 4.57%
site 4.09%
charge 3.91%
possession 2.43%
sale 2.36%
ban 2.14%
team 1.90%
shipment 0.83%
每页显示:    共 61