31.   He added that the rebels can continue to gradually free more hostages without weakening their position.

32.   He added that the rebels have enough people that they can continue to gradually free more without weakening their position.

33.   He acted as representative for the Arabs, who felt their negotiating position would be weakened by loss of Egypt, the most powerful Arab country.

34.   Human rights activists say the strict Islamic laws introduced by the former military dictator General Ziaul Haq against adultery are discriminatory and weaken position of the women.

35.   His hastily arranged visit to Washington was prompted by a series of setbacks that have weakened his position considerably and raised questions about whether Peruvian democracy can survive.

36.   It argued the agreement, made at a time when its position was weakened due to financial difficulties, was an unreasonable restraint on trade.

37.   Jagland, who succeeded popular Gro Harlem Brundtland as prime minister, insisted that the latest resignation does not weaken his position.

38.   It was widely believed that recent restructuring of the Cabinet weakened their position, and rumours of their possible ousting was bandied about.

39.   Last week, Kuchma vowed to thwart any bid by his opponents to seize more power for the parliament and weaken his position through constitutional changes.

40.   Many fear that a separate Quebec would almost certainly weaken the position of the roughly one million francophones living outside that province.

v. + position >>共 549
take 14.42%
hold 5.60%
change 3.12%
strengthen 2.07%
attack 1.87%
fill 1.83%
play 1.81%
use 1.69%
have 1.51%
consolidate 1.27%
weaken 0.44%
weaken + n. >>共 546
yen 6.08%
currency 3.70%
dollar 3.02%
demand 2.42%
position 2.38%
economy 1.70%
peso 1.62%
mark 1.62%
protection 1.62%
government 1.49%
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