31.   In New Mexico, a little girl approached a runner waiting by the side of the road.

32.   Johnny Nap, as he likes to be called professionally, was there early, waiting by the curb in a fire-engine-red Jeep Cherokee.

33.   Kashmere likes to wait by the sliding glass door until a fly starts buzzing against it.

34.   Kwasniewski said Tuesday he had deliberately arrived late in the television studio in order to unsettle Walesa, who was waiting by himself before the first debate.

35.   Obstetricians waited by stretchers at the edge of the ambulance bay.

36.   Parents wait by the gates of army camps and police stations, holding photos of sons who have been taken into custody and never seen again.

37.   Presumably, Harris could continue to play basketball and be a medical student in waiting by delaying school for one year.

38.   Poje said he and his colleagues are waiting by the phone to see how the Office of Management and Budget plans to resolve the funding issue.

39.   Prospective buyers either walk with him, bidding as he goes along, or wait by a particular piece until his auction cart arrives.

40.   Students told Ms. Byrd-Bennett that four of them told the chaperones that they would wait by the pool before dinner while the adults went to get ready.

v. + by >>共 1204
direct 1.69%
be 1.60%
speak 1.28%
begin 1.28%
win 1.21%
write 1.19%
judge 1.07%
start 1.05%
produce 1.01%
do 0.98%
wait 0.09%
wait + p. >>共 69
until 33.13%
in 28.44%
at 9.75%
outside 8.40%
with 3.53%
before 2.22%
to 1.54%
till 1.47%
by 1.06%
after 0.95%
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