31.   He also found no visible signs of cancer in her body.

32.   He said there were no visible signs of severe trauma.

33.   He has leaned more on religion this year, finding the Bible to be a source of peace, but there are no visible signs of change.

34.   Here and there, there are visible signs of improvement.

35.   He says patients who have no visible signs of infection may be colonized with potentially dangerous antibiotic-resistant microbes.

36.   Hydrogen burns without a visible sign of flame, and it is possible that a brief fire on the launching pad can follow the abort.

37.   However, there was no visible signs that police uncovered anything significant.

38.   In both books, the visible signs of decay are given pride of place, lending an elegiac air to what otherwise might seem purely documentary images.

39.   In Germany armed police guard Jewish schools, and Jews are advised not to wear visible signs of their faith.

40.   In Beijing this week, anyway, there were no visible signs of sore losers or lottery addicts gambling the clothes off their backs.

a. + sign >>共 992
first 7.30%
warning 5.83%
little 5.06%
good 4.30%
positive 3.46%
encouraging 3.11%
clear 2.96%
early 2.94%
latest 2.22%
new 2.10%
visible 1.77%
visible + n. >>共 864
sign 7.61%
light 2.83%
role 2.39%
presence 2.26%
change 1.81%
symbol 1.77%
damage 1.55%
part 1.24%
progress 1.11%
injury 1.11%
每页显示:    共 171