31.   I recently compared two brands of vanilla extract.

32.   I add a bit of vanilla extract to the cream for flavor, but you can consider this optional, or substitute any flavored liqueur.

33.   If using vanilla extract, stir it in now.

34.   If using vanilla extract, just heat cream and let it cool while you proceed.

35.   In a large mixing bowl, whisk eggs, vanilla extract and vanilla bean seed scrapings to combine.

36.   If you are using vanilla extract, add it now and stir.

37.   In a small bowl, mix the beaten eggs, garlic, olive oil and vanilla extract.

38.   In her vanilla pecan pie, for instance, vanilla-scented sugar and vanilla extract are used in the crust and the filling.

39.   In Manhattan, most specialty shops have a variety of fine vanilla extracts.

40.   It brings to mind a mixed perfume of lavender, hard candy, mothballs, talcum powder and maybe vanilla extract.

a. + extract >>共 88
vanilla 24.90%
almond 13.41%
nuclear 5.36%
orange 4.98%
herbal 3.45%
crude 2.30%
following 1.53%
liquid 1.53%
natural 1.53%
pure 1.53%
vanilla + n. >>共 111
extract 20.44%
essence 8.49%
wafer 5.66%
yogurt 4.40%
pudding 3.46%
seed 3.14%
sauce 2.52%
pod 2.52%
flavor 2.20%
custard 2.20%
每页显示:    共 65