31.   However, the patients who have had the transplant were using other therapies as well, including powerful antiviral drugs called protease inhibitors.

32.   In a groundbreaking experiment, California scientists have used gene therapy to induce nerves to regrow in rats with damaged spinal cords, partially restoring their ability to walk.

33.   In fact, among women who stopped hormone therapy, there was actually a somewhat lower risk of breast cancer than in women who never used the therapy.

34.   Industry watchers can hardly wait for the results of several experiments aimed at using genetic therapy to cure hemophilia.

35.   Instead they see acupuncturists, use holistic therapies and meticulously chart their lab results.

36.   Instead, he sees an acupuncturist, uses holistic therapies and meticulously charts his lab results.

37.   Light therapy is also used to help people with sleep disorders and jet lag, in additional to those with seasonal affective disorder.

38.   Meanwhile, the DeAngelos look, somewhat uncertainly, toward their future, after the hard work of modifying their diet, exercising and using drug therapy.

39.   Music therapy is being used in a variety of ways to help patients in psychiatric settings to reduce anxiety or depression to hospitals or homes to control pain.

40.   Now two groups of investigators have shown that in animals at least, they can use gene therapy to prevent plaque from growing back.

v. + therapy >>共 211
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start 2.21%
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use + n. >>共 1468
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