31.   He also urged the students to abstain from sex before marriage to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease.

32.   Having brought sexual transgression into our living rooms, the King of Schlock seems curiously unaware of the commercial power of unwanted pregnancy on prime time.

33.   He favors the easy availability of condoms, sex education and legal abortion to help teen-age girls avoid unwanted pregnancy.

34.   He has urged premarital abstinence among young people and advocated adoption as the best alternative in cases of unwanted pregnancies.

35.   He told The Buffalo News that abortion protesters should turn their energies to helping women avoid unwanted pregnancies through birth control and counseling.

36.   I look, an abortion-rights supporter who always wishes that her support were unnecessary, that unwanted pregnancies never happened.

37.   If his hypothesis about melatonin, estrogen and breast tumors bears out, the new pill could help women prevent cancer as well as unwanted pregnancies.

38.   If unprotected sex or a suspected contraceptive failure has you worried about unwanted pregnancy, you need to know.

39.   In both studies, men with low intelligence scores were more likely to have lower socioeconomic status and be the product of unwanted pregnancies.

40.   In the ancient times before Roe, the price of an unwanted pregnancy could be terrifyingly high.

a. + pregnancy >>共 162
teen 16.65%
unwanted 14.08%
teen-age 11.61%
teenage 5.80%
unplanned 2.95%
early 2.85%
first 2.66%
difficult 2.57%
unintended 2.38%
high-risk 2.28%
unwanted + n. >>共 532
pregnancy 10.66%
attention 4.46%
advance 4.25%
child 2.38%
visitor 1.80%
guest 1.73%
e-mail 1.73%
hair 1.51%
baby 1.15%
animal 1.01%
每页显示:    共 147