31.   In its unanimous ruling, the three-member appellate panel said Simons constituted such a threat to society that life imprisonment was the appropriate penalty.

32.   Tasmanian gay activists Rodney Croome and Nick Toonen said the unanimous ruling was an important step forward for human rights in Australia.

33.   The law that allows the Ontario government to set education taxes prevents school boards from managing and controlling their schools, education officials said following the unanimous ruling.

34.   The judges in an unanimous ruling said the missionaries represent only a fraction of Americans living overseas.

35.   The state Supreme Court set the stage for the legislation with its unanimous December ruling that same-sex couples were being unconstitutionally denied the benefits of marriage.

36.   The unanimous ruling by the three-judge Court of Appeals was welcomed by the head of the new legislature as a confidence-booster for Hong Kong.

37.   The unanimous ruling killed the case of a Texas man who says profit-greedy doctors illegally held him in a psychiatric hospital.

38.   The unanimous ruling means that homosexual couples could have their marriages sealed as a part of regular church services.

39.   The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia dismissed the claims yesterday in a joint unanimous ruling.

40.   The unanimous ruling by the Federal Communications Commission will allow companies -- mostly large telephone carriers and TV networks -- to bypass Comsat Corp. in getting services from Intelsat.

a. + ruling >>共 385
final 10.99%
new 5.66%
earlier 4.76%
recent 3.87%
favorable 2.81%
such 2.57%
preliminary 2.24%
previous 2.12%
unanimous 2.00%
latest 1.95%
unanimous + n. >>共 123
decision 21.00%
vote 14.36%
support 8.84%
approval 7.99%
verdict 5.52%
consent 5.30%
choice 5.16%
agreement 3.96%
ruling 3.47%
voice 1.91%
每页显示:    共 49