31.   France, formerly a major trade partner and arms supplier for Iraq, has been positioning itself to snare lucrative contracts once sanctions are lifted.

32.   Moldova is suffering severe financial problems as this former Soviet country took a downturn following the economic turmoil in Russia, its main trading partner.

33.   Rafidah said that Malaysia and its Asean trading partners can conceiveably start with primary commodities and then move on to other products.

34.   State-owned industries are often in debt because of a production slump and the loss of old trading partners.

35.   The falling yen is a sore spot for Japanese trade partners in Asia and North America, because it makes Japanese goods relatively inexpensive and more competitive overseas.

36.   The task force was assembled last month after Japan promised trading partners that it would take aggressive action to deal with its banking crisis.

37.   They are concerned that tougher curbs on trade with Iran could hurt American firms and workers, while Iran would turn to other countries as substitute trading partners.

38.   They are concerned that tougher curbs on trade with Iran could hurt American firms and workers while Iran would turn to other countries for substitute trading partners.

39.   Trade tensions between Japan and its major trading partners, including the United States, have tended to bring upward pressure on the yen.

40.   Unless it joins the EU, Norway would face new import duties on its exports to Sweden and Finland, both key trading partners.

v. + partner >>共 418
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have 5.94%
manage 3.67%
trade 3.06%
need 2.44%
play 2.39%
include 1.67%
make 1.50%
choose 1.28%
trade + n. >>共 1094
stock 5.16%
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fire 3.32%
accusation 2.21%
company 1.64%
player 1.39%
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partner 1.05%
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