31.   Oriental rugs might cover the tiled floors.

32.   Sanitation is almost non-existent, toilets and showers are broken, and rats scamper across the cracked tiled floors.

33.   The adjoining bathroom was spacious with a tub-shower and a tiled floor.

34.   We ran through the lobby, clip-clopping on the tiled floor.

35.   We next moved on to dinner in the elegant dining room with plush red walls and a classic black-and-white tiled floor.

36.   You walk through the heavy glass doors and across the tiled floor in the lobby.

37.   New chairs and desks are neatly arrayed on tiled floors.

38.   On Thursday morning, hours after the attack, a large pool of blood still colored the tiled floor beneath a shredded ceiling of dangling wires and pipes.

39.   She then laid a wreath at the Hall of Remembrance, a large room with an eternal flame burning in the center of a gray tiled floor.

40.   They built homes ranging from simple wood shacks to cinder-block huts with tiled floors.

a. + floor >>共 769
second 13.79%
top 7.61%
third 5.71%
upper 5.61%
trading 4.81%
concrete 4.26%
fourth 3.27%
wood 2.34%
marble 2.12%
fifth 1.89%
tiled 0.67%
tiled + n. >>共 55
floor 24.24%
roof 12.73%
wall 11.52%
bathroom 4.85%
courtyard 3.64%
hall 2.42%
fireplace 2.42%
hallway 1.82%
entrance 1.82%
rooftop 1.82%
每页显示:    共 40