31.   In Germany, a rabbinical student was beaten up in downtown Berlin and a grenade was thrown into a Jewish cemetery.

32.   In Kisangani, residents said, the government troops rioted and looted all night long, throwing grenades into shops, stealing cars and firing into the air.

33.   In Pristina, the Serb Media Center on Saturday said a Serb civilian was killed and his wife seriously wounded when assailants threw a grenade into their bedroom.

34.   Israeli military officials said Palestinians threw six grenades at Israeli soldiers near Rafah on Wednesday evening.

35.   Instead a group of soldiers will approach a door, pause, peek in and perhaps throw a grenade into the room before entering.

36.   Meanwhile, four or five terrorists walked to the front gate and began throwing grenades at guards.

37.   NATO peacekeepers had been on the scene since after the first grenade was thrown.

38.   Now I also know how to fire a machine gun, throw grenades, move under enemy fire, jam enemy communcations.

39.   On another occasion, Hun Sen warned an opposition party not to hold a congress, predicting that people might throw hand grenades.

40.   On Tuesday, a former officer in the old Hutu-led government was arrested for throwing a grenade under a bus.

v. + grenade >>共 127
throw 32.43%
hurl 11.48%
fire 10.29%
lob 6.15%
toss 5.08%
find 3.32%
use 2.95%
propel 1.82%
detonate 1.69%
have 1.63%
throw + n. >>共 904
stone 9.05%
ball 6.87%
rock 3.83%
grenade 3.15%
interception 3.10%
punch 2.70%
support 2.02%
pitch 1.85%
pass 1.83%
strike 1.60%
每页显示:    共 514