31.   The place looked like a sort of jail With bars and bolts and horrid things Like manacles and iron rings.

32.   The State Department won, but demanded that the oil revenue should be spent only on things like health and education.

33.   There was no sense in letting a silly thing like an unsolicited horoscope put her in a flap.

34.   They are still occupied by things like MIAs, prisoners of war, refugees, things of the past.

35.   Things like glass, paper, and plastic can all be recycled.

36.   Things like health and education cannot be left to the free Market.

37.   Things like this have a way of surprising you.

38.   We did other things like going to the theatre and doing improvisation.

39.   We gaze across the breakfast things like an old Married couple, and I remove a smear of Marmalade from the tablecloth.

n. + like >>共 1236
company 3.47%
people 2.77%
place 2.11%
country 1.89%
thing 1.83%
issue 1.58%
player 1.18%
look 1.13%
group 1.08%
city 1.05%
thing + p. >>共 77
about 16.24%
in 15.32%
for 10.06%
as 8.98%
like 8.71%
to 7.91%
on 4.98%
with 4.49%
from 2.76%
at 2.55%
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