31.   Since the World Trade Center was struck by terrorists, activity has picked up.

32.   Some archaeologists expressed concern about Egypt, where terrorists have struck before.

33.   Terrorists struck again on Monday, as they have in the past few days.

34.   Terrorists could strike anywhere, even here in the middle of nowhere, they could strike and people will feel if it happens here, it can happen anywhere.

35.   Terrorists have struck against the governments of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Egypt, as well as Israel.

36.   Terrorists have struck Arizona rail lines before.

37.   The Atlantic Monthly was caught with an unfortunately timed issue on the newsstands when the terrorists struck.

38.   The government issued a new warning Monday that terrorists might strike again in the next week.

39.   The larger question on many minds is how long would it take before another terrorist struck a World Trade look-alike.

40.   The plan is a response to fears that terrorists may strike U.S. cities with chemical and biological weapons in the next few years.

n. + strike >>共 1256
missile 3.24%
earthquake 3.21%
disaster 3.15%
bullet 2.71%
plane 2.56%
warplane 2.47%
jet 1.95%
quake 1.68%
terrorist 1.62%
tragedy 1.60%
terrorist + v. >>共 411
be 12.72%
use 6.26%
attack 5.66%
strike 4.41%
target 2.75%
have 2.70%
try 2.40%
plan 2.15%
take 1.35%
kill 1.30%
每页显示:    共 87