31.   On Wednesday, suspected Tamil separatists fired mortars at an Independence Day celebration at an airforce base in Batticalao, injuring four airmen and a soldier.

32.   Police detained a journalist on suspicion she gave information to Tamil separatists fighting government troops, her colleagues said Tuesday.

33.   President Chandrika Kumaratunga said Tamil separatists attacked in desperation after military setbacks and indications that Tamil civilians support a government peace plan.

34.   Reports that a ship is heading for Sri Lanka with explosives for Tamil separatists sent the navy and air force on alert, military officials said Wednesday.

35.   Police suspect that he is involved with Tamil separatists, officials said.

36.   Prime Minister Chandrika Kumaratunga is battling for her own political survival as well as trying to end a war with Tamil separatists in northern Sri Lanka.

37.   Tamil separatists accuse the Sinhalese majority of discrimination against the Tamil minority.

38.   Tamil separatists and a newspaper said Tuesday that Sri Lankan helicopter gunships killed a group of Tamil refugees, but the military denied the report.

39.   Tamil separatists attacked a military detachment in northeastern Sri Lanka early Monday, killing eight soldiers, an official said.

40.   Tamil separatists claim they are discriminated against by the majority Sinhalese who dominate the government and military.

a. + separatist >>共 164
basque 14.05%
muslim 10.34%
albanian 9.72%
moslem 9.39%
ethnic 7.93%
kurdish 5.85%
tamil 5.17%
suspected 3.60%
armed 3.32%
serb 3.26%
tamil + n. >>共 178
rebel 35.38%
civilian 6.42%
minority 6.34%
guerrilla 5.67%
separatist 3.86%
homeland 3.69%
party 3.11%
source 2.52%
group 2.35%
community 1.43%
每页显示:    共 92