31.   The two parties were immediately separated by security officers and the parliament session was suspended.

32.   The Assembly can then seek to censure the nominee in a vote, but as parliamentary sessions are now suspended pending the election this is immaterial.

33.   The parliamentary session was suspended for several hours to allow officials to vote on whether the nuclear issue would be included on the parliamentary agenda.

34.   The negotiating process had been bogged down for almost a week after the rebels boycotted a session on Friday and the government suspended a session scheduled for Monday.

v. + session >>共 294
attend 13.67%
hold 10.06%
schedule 5.39%
plan 2.76%
close 2.36%
boycott 2.36%
call 2.23%
have 2.05%
open 2.00%
follow 1.96%
suspend 1.51%
suspend + n. >>共 997
talk 6.61%
operation 4.93%
flight 3.56%
service 2.15%
player 2.14%
sanction 2.11%
negotiation 1.91%
aid 1.89%
sentence 1.77%
share 1.65%
session 0.43%
每页显示:    共 34